hg ppn bleh blah la wei...bengap2 aku pon hg syg gila kat aku dlu...accerrrrrahhhhhh...klu bleh jaga la MARUAH HG TU.....aku xsuka nk bg malu org...tp hg dh kata mcm tu....aceeerrrrhhhhh...GTH....GO AWAY N HAVING FUN FUCKING SHITTT...aku nie mmg x perfect mcm tgk aku dgn dia tu...aku nie mmg bengap...somebody said cannot go...thats me...tp stgh org xprasan....aku keja pon sbb aku xmau menyusahkan ORG TUA aku...org tgk aku nie mmg jahat...tp bila tgk hg...dpa kata la,SEJUK PEROT MAK HG MNGANDONGKAN HG....perghhh....after kita break,bru aku tau...hg ada SUGARDADDY...serrr......ptt la LOAD....mmber aku byk...ala....takat PENANG nie...nk cri hg,sat ja pon...aku xreti nk tunjok bek dpn org...aku lbih suka TNJOK DIRI AKU YG SEBENAR...dpa nk kata apa pon punya psl...jnji aku happy.....klu aku dead dpn mata hg pon...apa hg peduli...nie bleh blah la...
I don't remember the moment I tried to forget,
I lost myself, is better not said now I'm closer to the edge.
It was a thousand to one and a million to two,
time to go down in flames and I'm taking you.
Closer to the edge.
No I'm, not saying I'm sorry, one day maybe we'll meet again.
No I'm not saying I'm sorry, one day maybe we'll meet again.
(Can you, can you, can you)
Can you imagine the time when the truth ran free.
The birth of a son and the death of a dream.
Closer to the edge.
This never ending story, it falls with pride and faith.
We all fall short of glory, lost in myself.
No I'm, not saying I'm sorry, one day maybe we'll meet again.
[ From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/0-9/30-seconds-to-mars-lyrics/closer-to-the-edge-lyrics.html ]
No I'm, not saying I'm sorry, one day maybe we'll meet again.
(NO NO NO NO!) I will never forget.
(NO NO!) I will never regret.
(NO NO!) I will live my life.
(NO NO NO NO!) I will never forget.
(NO NO!) I will never regret.
(NO NO!) I will live my life.
No I'm, not saying I'm sorry, one day maybe we'll meet again (NO NO!)
No I'm not saying I'm sorry, one day maybe we'll meet again (NO NO NO NO!)
Closer to the egde,
Closer to the edge.
Closer to the egde,
Closer to the edge.
Closer to the edge.
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